About me
I'm an 18 year-old mathematics student and self-taught full-stack developer from Melbourne, Australia. I wrote my first line of Python at 9 years old, and ever since I've been hooked! For me, programming has opened up new avenues and approaches to solving problems, which is a process I have always enjoyed.
I currently have a few really cool projects in the pipeline, so watch this space for announcements regarding those!
In high school, I was very grateful to be given the opportunity to develop my programming and computing skills through initiatives such as the Australian Informatics Olympiad, as well as projects and assignments within my school community. Being able to work with people on these projects really solidified programming and software engineering in my mind as not just a hobby, but something I was really keen to pursue in my professional life.
In my software projects, I really enjoy working with artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as optimisation and algorithmic problems which really force me to think of outside-the-box ways to efficiently work with data.
Some stuff of mine
The Autism Site
A network for Support Workers, Behaviour Support Assistants, and Therapy Assistants to find work and connect with autistic people. Built with NextJS, Postgres, and using CI/CD principles.
ViewThe Road to Full-Time SoftEng
Join me as I embark on and document every step of my journey towards becoming a full-time software engineer.
My skills
- python
- typescript
- javascript
- reactjs
- nextjs
- git
- postgresql
- mysql
- matlab
- tensorflow
- docker
Away from VS Code
Sport has always been an important extracurricular to me. At the moment, I play cricket and golf, but have also previously played competitive tennis. Recently I have also been more regularly going to the gym, which has been helping me build self-confidence, as well as improve my overall fitness and strength for the sports I primarily play.
Last golf round: 86
Current handicap: 14.3
Current bench press 1RM: 60kg
2km PB: 07:51 (08:37 avg)
I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne, planning to major in Mathematics and Statistics with an Applied Mathematics Specialisation.
I am also studying a stream of Computer Science subjects concurrent to my mathematics-oriented course, as well as pursuing a breadth track focused primarily on Linguistics.
- Calculus 2 MAST10006 - First Class Honours
- Linear Algebra MAST10007 - First Class Honours
- Data Analysis MAST10010 - First Class Honours
- Foundations of Computing COMP10001 - First Class Honours
- Foundations of Algorithms COMP10002 - First Class Honours
- Intercultural Communication LING10002 - First Class Honours
- Myth, Art, and Empire: Greece and Rome ANCW10002 - First Class Honours